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My services

Hi welcome!


How nice that you just looked at my website. With me, no questions are too small, stupid, crazy or embarrassing. You can call or email and I will get back to you shortly. I have opted out of online booking, as it feels more right to get a first personal contact. Phone and email can be found under the tab -Contact-.

Massage therapy

Do you have pain in the body or feel stiff and immobile. Do you suffer from headaches / migraines, bad shoulders or recurring back shots. Massage therapy relieves muscle tension through increased blood circulation, which in turn makes the muscles supple and more elastic.


Life coach

As a certified Life Coach, I guide and coach you in your personal development. I guide and give you tools to work with, to find your own driving forces and qualities for better balance. In addition to personal development, I also work with co-dependency issues (the relationship with loved ones with addiction or diagnosis)


Personal training

Having a functional body through life creates many benefits. Exercise should feel fun, inspiring so you are motivated to keep going. In this way, you achieve your desired goals. Sometimes you may need a little help on the stack.


For further information, click on -Read More- on the front page


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