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I had "always" had a lot of pain in my back, neck and shoulders. "Always" in my case, was mainly during the years 1977 to 2004. During those years I visited many physiotherapists, chiropractors, naprapaths and acupuncturists, but none of them managed to make me the least bit better.

But right after New Year's 2005, I fortunately met Lotta Eriksson.

I explained my problems to her and she replied "I understand exactly what you mean, we will fix it". Of course I did not believe that, no one else had succeeded. But Lotta has a huge feeling to find and feel problems, and of course to treat them so that they disappear. Within a fairly short time with Lotta, my problems were blown away, but I continued to go to her. For more than 16 years, I have now received regular treatments every three weeks. She solves all my problems and she works very proactively so that I now feel very well.

She has an outstanding ability to both find and fix the problems that arise between visits and I do not even dare to think about how I would feel if I did not receive these treatments. Visits to Lotta are an important part for me to achieve the quality of life I strive for.



Lotta's knowledge, experience and the way she is as a person, have helped me incredibly much. Her way of being, her fingertip feeling of knowing when I need an extra kick in the butt. She is an important cog in my recovery from various traumatic events in my life as well as in my personal development.

Lotta has given me the most necessary tools to handle different life situations. She has an understanding, a wisdom but above all insight into what I need to work on. Lotta is a mainstay that gives me security, advice and tools to handle my everyday life better. Without Lotta, I would not have felt as good as I do today.


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Subwaystation: Huvudsta C

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